Author Archives: Mary Piasta

Corporate Transparency Act

Fresh Out of the Courts – Corporate Transparency Act

Corporate Transparency ActThis year signaled a major shift in corporate reporting in California.  In short, the Corporate Transparency Act (Act) came into effect January 1, requiring certain companies to report on beneficial ownership.  While business lawyers at HVP have been preparing for the new reporting requirements under the Act, there have been legal challenges to the Act making its implementation uncertain.  Most recently, a federal district court in Alabama has ruled on a case which attacked the constitutionality of the Act. Last week the federal district court ruled that the Act is unconstitutional because it was not within Congress’ enumerated powers. While … Read More

2024, el Año de las Nuevas Reglas Comerciales y Cómo Cumplirlas

En Haeuser, Valluzzo & Piasta PC nos enfocamos en atender a propietarios de empresas pequeñas y regionales. Como parte de nuestro compromiso con nuestra comunidad de Sonoma, queremos crear conciencia entre nuestros compañeros propietarios de negocios sobre los cambios en la ley que pueden afectar el negocio.

Hay varias leyes nuevas que pueden afectar su negocio si tiene empleados. Nos complace compartir que nuestra oficina ha crecido hasta incluir una práctica especializada en derecho laboral. Hay varias leyes nuevas que afectan a los empleadores y ahora, a través de nuestra filial, tenemos la experiencia para asesorarlo sobre estas nuevas leyes … Read More

2024 the Year of New Business Rules and How to Comply

At Haeuser, Valluzzo & Piasta PC we focus on serving small and regional business owners. As part of our commitment to our Sonoma community we want to raise awareness among our fellow business owners of changes in the law that may impact the business.

There are several new laws that may impact your business if you have employees. We are pleased to share that the firm has grown to include a specialized employment law practice. There are several new laws that impact employers and now, through our affiliate, we have the expertise to advise and counsel you on these new … Read More


Gratitude, Service, and the Quest for Excellence

GratitudeAt its core, gratitude lets us appreciate the here and now instead of always looking for something new to make us feel happier or more fulfilled. As a recent Harvard study notes “Gratitude helps people refocus on what they have instead of what they lack.”

Here at HVP, we are grateful for the rewards of lawyering north of the bustling SF Bay Area. Here we get to practice law, raise our families, and provide civic engagement and service. Our lives are enriched because we get to offer legal advice and services to our friends and neighbors throughout the Wine Country … Read More

trust puzzle

First―What is a living trust?

trust puzzleA living trust lets you manage your assets such as money, property, and business interests, with you as the one in charge as trustee. It also provides for how you want your assets managed if you are unable to do so. In those situations, a successor trustee named by you will manage your assets to your benefit during your lifetime and then distribute those assets to your beneficiaries as named in your trust without going through and paying a court.

Trusts can be set up to be revocable in case you want to change your mind at a future date. … Read More


Introducing HVP Trust Series

quoteWe want to help every family to have an estate plan. Our new Trust series will explore the basics of estate planning, show you how to navigate the trust process, determine if and when you need legal help, and assist you as needed.

When you know, you know. Everyone has an estate. And no matter how modest, almost everyone can benefit from setting up a living trust. As estate planners, we create living trusts for our clients all the time. From modest to sophisticated, we know the ropes. As part of our ‘law for everyone’ concept, we want to give … Read More

R2D2 Halloween

Robots on the Plaza

A very cool robot graced our Halloween open house this year. We are lucky enough to work with a start-up company focused on robotics, hence the visit. Their robots use artificial intelligence to interact with humans or other robots. While not frequent visitors to the Plaza, these robots provide emotional support in healthcare, learning, and other environments, including a special Halloween visit to Sonoma.… Read More

Strategies to Lower Your Property Tax Bill

neon_tax_signThe back-to-school special and the property tax blog post are part of our law for everyone initiative.

It’s that time of year when property owners look towards paying that tax bill. Your property tax bill includes payments for various things, other than property tax. In addition to property tax, the bill includes charges for voter-approved taxes and direct charges from taxing agencies. These charges are all specifically identified on one’s bill for property taxes.

A little-known fact is that these additional amounts sometimes will include various exemptions. The most common is for senior citizens, defined as age sixty-five (65) or … Read More

Back-to-School-Special—a package deal

kid_image_back_to_schoolLegal documents you need when your kid goes off to college

Parents of college-bound children need to have critical legal documents in place before their kids leave the nest. These legal considerations, like having kids in the first place, are a package deal. Don’t make the mistake of being unprepared in the face of a situation that could affect your child’s health and well-being.

Even though your child is legally considered to be an adult, there may be times when you will want to step in to help. You will not be able to do so unless you have the … Read More


Estate Planning for Digital Assets

cell-phone-in-hand As our world becomes increasingly digitized, when we die, we leave an expansive digital footprint.  For many, this footprint includes assets, intellectual property and other information such as copyrights, photos, pictures, messages, digital currenc(ies), passwords and more.  An ever increasing question is who has access to these things after we leave the planet.

In this situation as in many others, the law often lags behind the issues of the day.   This leaves individuals, including estate planners and professional fiduciaries with the question of how to counsel clients as to assets both now and in the future.  Presently, the California Probate … Read More


Strategies to Lower Your Property Tax Bill

tax formsIt’s that time of year when property owners look towards paying that tax bill.  Your property tax bill includes payments for various things, other than property tax.  In addition to property tax, the bill includes charges for voter approved taxes and direct charges from taxing agencies. These charges are all specifically identified on one’s bill for property taxes.  A little-known fact is that these additional amounts sometimes will include various exemptions.  The most common is for senior citizens, defined as age sixty-five (65) or older.  Luckily for folks reaching this category, they can go through this list of charges and … Read More

Firework display

Latest News – Forging a new approach to legal services

Firework displayHere are some of the ideas we’re working on to enhance our legal counsel for the families and small businesses upon which Sonoma is based, and for those among us who need our help.

1. TechForward Sonoma—stay tuned for video featuring an online Sonoma History
2. CarePartners Initiative—elevating elder care and support
3. Sonoma History and Local Artist Retrospective—open-door office visits for a glimpse of Sonoma history past and present coming soon
4. Celebrate Diversity—collaborating with community members to highlight different cultures and ways of life, starting with Ana Escobar’s family recipe below.

Cumulatively, these ideas forge a new … Read More

Latest News – Mary Piasta Keynotes Upcoming CarePartners Initiative Program

heart handsSix Common Legal Issues Caregivers May Face

In her upcoming keynote address, Mary combines her
estate planning experience with a passion for
protecting what matters most to provide a
comprehensive overview of the most common legal
issues that caregivers caring for older adults with
dementia need to consider:
1. Power of Attorney
2. Advance Directives
3. Estate Planning
4. Putting Together a Care Team
5. Thoughts on Skilled Nursing and Hospital Stays

CarePartners Initiative Forum

Help for Caregivers with Legal and Insurance Issues
Saturday, May 6, 2023, 1-3:00 PM

First Congregational Church, 252 W. Spain St., Sonoma
You may pre-submit … Read More

Latest News – Our Succession Plan in Action

desert landscape with the years 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 painted in white on the road.Taking a quick look back, long-time partner Thomas Haeuser put our own succession plan into action. He switched from the day-to-day practice of law to a more strategic role which allows him to guide HVP and local community efforts too, including serving on the boards of FISH and the Sonoma Library Commission. We bid farewell to Robert Parmelee, the third successor
in our trifecta of founders. We enhanced the lives of local youth through our support of the Sonoma Valley Little League and the Sonoma Conservatory of Dance & Theatre. Our office expanded to include more paralegal and administrative support, … Read More

Latest News – Gratitude & Exciting News About Our Expansion

good fit puzzle piecesA Time for Gratitude
As we pause to embrace a national holiday to give thanks, we want to express our gratitude for all of our wonderful, creative, smart, and hard-working clients. Your dreams of family and legacy are inspirational. Thank you for entrusting them to us.
Exciting News
For quite some time now, Thomas Haeuser, Anthony Valluzzo, and Mary Piasta, known throughout Sonoma county as Haeuser, Valluzzo & Piasta LLP (HVP), have provided the
legal guidance you need to chart a steady course through life’s complexities and help you and your families grow and succeed.

HVP will always provide the … Read More

Latest News – Partner Thomas A. Haeuser takes on new role as HVP advisor and community leader

An Ongoing Legacy of Community Service
Putting the plan into action and continuing his 47-
year trajectory of community service, Tom recently
stepped up his roles in two vital community service
organizations, Friends Helping Friends (FISH) and
the Sonoma County Library Commission. Tom
serves as President of the FISH Board of Directors,
continuing his longstanding affiliation with an
organization that has been lending a helping hand to
neighbors in need for 50 years. Tom is also Vice-
Chair of the Sonoma County Library Commission,
supporting our county-wide library system.
Tom will continue to be a presence around town and
work his magic behind the scenes at HVP. We
appreciate your support of HVP partners and staff as
our succession plan unfolds.We are proud and pleased to announce that our longtime partner Thomas Haeuser took on a new role at the firm in the new year. Effective January 1, 2022, Tom continues to serve in an advisory capacity, taking a step back from active practice to focus on community activities. Those around town already know Tom for his presence on the Plaza and his unflagging efforts to make our town and the surrounding community a special place for businesses and families to thrive across multiple generations.

Everyone Needs a Good Succession Plan
Tom’s transition, already several years in the planning, is … Read More

kal-visuals happy life

HVP New Approach to Legal Services Initiative

kal-visuals happy lifeThis year we are focused on some new ideas to be more present in your lives, combining roots in the community with our deep-seated understanding of how real live translates into your legal needs.

Here are some of the ideas we’re working on to enhance our legal counsel for the families and small businesses upon which Sonoma is based, and for those among us who need our help.

  1. TechForward Sonoma—stay tuned for video featuring an online Sonoma History Tour
  2. CarePartners Initiative—elevating elder care and support
  3. Sonoma History and Local Artist Retrospective—open-door office visits for a glimpse of Sonoma history
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CarePartners Initiative Forum Image

CarePartners Initiative

Mary Piasta Keynotes Upcoming CarePartners Initiative Program

Five Common Legal Issues Caregivers May Face

In her upcoming keynote address at the CarePartners Initiative Forum on May 6, 2023, HVP partner Mary Piasta combines her estate planning experience with a passion for protecting what matters most to provide a comprehensive overview of the most common legal issues that caregivers caring for older adults with dementia need to consider:

  1. Power of Attorney
  2. Advance Directives
  3. Estate Planning
  4. Putting Together a Care Team
  5. Thoughts on Skilled Nursing and Hospital Stays

heart handsCaregivers traverse an unknown terrain of new responsibilities. Come learn how foundational legal documents … Read More

Portrait of confident businesswoman with team of business people in background

The HVP Experience—What sets us apart?

The HVP Experience—What sets us apart?

Portrait of confident businesswoman with team of business people in backgroundSimply stated, HVP lawyers give our clients a competitive edge. Every one of us attended top-ranked law schools, learned our craft from well-recognized legal teams affiliated with sophisticated law firms, and maintain close ties to the communities we serve. We want to be the lawyers you trust to have your best interests at heart, and to go the distance for our clients. As business strategists, we trailblaze an entrepreneurial approach to legal services that realigns traditional service models. How do we do this? Read on.

ABA Approved

Each of our lawyers got their start

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shot of outside office window

Do you want to take your career in a new direction?

Do you want to take your career in a new direction?

shot of outside office windowWhat sets us apart from the competition? Everything. We are a community-based law firm focused on the business of law from the perspective of those we serve. We use our knowledge of the law to build a better world starting right here, right now. For more than 100 years, our firm has enhanced and enriched Sonoma and the surrounding community one individual and one business at a time. Our practice includes business, estate planning, real estate, and employment law, meeting personal and business needs with an emphasis on family-owned

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Local Law Firm Haeuser, Valluzzo & Piasta Accelerates Growth with Employment Lawyers Wright & Supple

good_fit_hands_and_puzzle_piecesSONOMA, CA – February 6, 2023 – The combination of two local law firms, Haeuser, Valluzzo & Piasta (HVP) and Wright & Supple (W&S) expands HVP’s services to include employment law counsel through a joint effort that redefines collaboration. HVP partners Mary Piasta and Tony Valluzzo continue to reinvent the law firm business model, working with W&S, a women-owned employment law firm led by Mary Wright and Oriet Cohen-Supple. As transformational change continues to rock the legal industry, this innovative approach offers clients the legal services they need across the full spectrum of business and employment law, while controlling costs … Read More

legacy and succession

Legacy & Succession

Thomas A. Haeuser

legacy and successionPartner Thomas A. Haeuser takes on new role as HVP advisor and community leader

We are proud and pleased to announce that our long-time partner Thomas Haeuser will be taking on a new role at the firm in the new year. Effective January 1 2022, Tom will continue to serve in an advisory capacity, taking a step back from active practice to focus on community activities. Those around town already know Tom for his presence on the Plaza and his unflagging efforts to make our town and the surrounding community a special place for businesses and families … Read More

Business Compliance 

Our year-end checklist provides useful tips for year-round check-ups.

Top 5 Year-end Business Compliance Checklist

  1. Performance and Operations ‒ I have discussed and mapped out performance and operations with management and legal counsel.  Yes  No
  2. Entity Structure/Governing Instruments ‒ I have reviewed my business entity structure and updated articles of organization/incorporation, operating agreement, bylaws, partnership, or other agreements as needed.  Yes  No
  3. I am up to date on all corporate formalities for California corporations to maintain my personal liability protection.  Yes  No
  4. I have finalized my year-end accounting and closed the books for the calendar or fiscal year
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Estate Planning Top 10 Checklist

Estate Planning

We can work with you to review your business, real estate, and family holdings for tax issues to craft and maintain your succession plan for life, and what comes after.

Top 10 Year-end Estate Planning Checklist

  1. Personal Status ‒ My health, wealth, and chosen decision-makers are still the same  Yes  No
  2. Legal Guardians ‒ The legal guardians I’ve selected for my minor children are up to date and consistent with my wishes?  Yes  No
  3. Legal Documents ‒ I have my legal documents in place including a power of attorney, health care directive, will and (when needed) trust  Yes 
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real estate and elders

Real Estate and Elders

real estate and eldersIntroduction to Elder Abuse, Capacity and Undue Influence

In a recent presentation to realtors, Real Estate and Elders, HVP partner Mary Piasta provided a introduction to elder abuse, capacity and undue influence. Offering a roadmap for understanding and navigating issues of elder abuse in real estate, Mary focused her presentation on the applicable laws, rules and concerns for real estate professionals concerning capacity, financial exposure, warning signs, and resources.

For more information, please email or call 707.996.2131.… Read More


Firm Announcement

anthony_valluzzoHVP Partner Tony Valluzzo Named to 2021 “Lawyers of Distinction” List by Sonoma Magazine

Haeuser, Valluzzo & Piasta LLP is pleased to announce that Sonoma Magazine has named partner Anthony R. Valluzzo for inclusion in its list of 2021 “Lawyers of Distinction” in the category of business law.

Sonoma Magazine’s inaugural “Lawyers of Distinction” list recognizes the county’s top legal practitioners. Candidates who live or work in the greater Sonoma five-county region were peer-recommended. A third-party research firm conducted the peer nominating and vetting process, ensuring its independence and authenticity. Inclusion in the list is based on the opinions of … Read More

row houses

Changes to California’s Housing

Described as a critical piece of housing legislation, SB 9 which was signed into law by Governor Newsom this September will no doubt change the future of housing investments and opportunities.  The ripples will also extend into property tax issues at a local level.


According to U.S. Census records there are over 6 million detached single-family dwellings in the State of California. Allowing units to be built adjacent to or within existing single family homes might resolve the housing crisis. “The intent of SB 9 is clear – to streamline the process so homeowners can create a duplex or … Read More

HVP’s Tom Haeuser Steps Up to FISH Board of Directors and Sonoma County Library Commission

Tom HaeuserSONOMA, CA – July 26, 2021 – Prominent business and estate planning law firm Haeuser, Valluzzo & Piasta LLP is pleased to announce that Tom Haeuser, name partner and Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law, has stepped up his roles in two vital community service organizations, Friends Helping Friends (FISH) and the Sonoma County Library Commission. Tom was recently selected President of the FISH Board of Directors, continuing his longstanding affiliation with an organization that has been lending a helping hand to neighbors in need for 50 years. Tom also accepted an appointment to serve a … Read More

Sonoma Law Firm Haeuser, Valluzzo & Piasta in Growth Mode – Adds Staff for Concierge Services

HVP Group PhotoSONOMA, Calif. – May, 2021 – Reinventing the law firm business model, HVP lawyers return to the basics of legal services with an emphasis on lawyers and staff working together to offer a concierge service experience. The addition of staffers Lori Beth Merrill and Penny Martin underscores HVP’s long-standing reputation for working seamlessly with clients. Committed to providing the ‘white glove’ treatment . Penny’s adept management of client-attorney interactions and communications and Lori Beth’s background as a real estate appraiser complement the legal services offered by HVP’s three partners, Thomas A. Haeuser, Anthony R. Valluzzo, and Mary Piasta.

The firm … Read More

HVP femme project

Femme Project

HVP femme projectResults-driven representation in key areas of law including issues impacting women

There has never been a better time in history to be a woman, yet women still face a daunting array of challenges, especially when it comes to legal issues. We work hard to make our services accessible to those who need us most.

The Femme Project draws together professionals committed to exceptional client service, focused on those who serve the unique needs of women or those who identify as them. Collectively, we leverage our deep trench of resources for women whether it is in finance, tax, real estate, banking, … Read More

AB 5 – Independent Contractors

In 2020, AB 5 was a big topic of discussion as it narrowed the appropriate use of independent contractors.  This year there are two legal actions that loosen the corset of AB5. 

AB2257 and PROP 22 exempted app-based delivery and transport companies if certain things are met.  AB 2257 recasts and clarifies various exemptions including but not limited to: 

  • Business to business referral agency
  • Professional services
  • music 
  • Journalists
  • Copyeditors
  • All sorts of creatives
  • Appraisers, insurance underwriters
  • Landscape architects
  • Consulting 
  • International exchange programs
  • Animal services
  • Something I need desperately – salon services. . . 
  • “specialized consulting services”

The above are all Read More

3 Step Approach to COVID Notice Requirements 

Under the new law, AB 685 if an employer receives notice of a “potential exposure to COVID-19” the employer must provide various notices.  There is a three-step process for doing so. 

Step One – Within one business day, an employer must provide notice to employees, employers of subcontracted employees, and representatives of them that includes all of the following.  

  • The notice must be given to all of those who were on the premises at the same “worksite” as the “qualifying individual” within the infectious period. 
  • the Notice must comply with Cal OSHA Form 300 Injury & Illness Log
  • Notice to
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Buy-Sell Agreements

Buy-Sell Agreements

HVP Law has more and more clients looking to transition their businesses whether they are new or even legacy businesses. Other times circumstances dictate the need for a

business transition like death, divorce, or bankruptcy. In either case as it may be understanding the circumstances for the sale is an important driver to dictate various terms. Of course, clarity in dealings of this nature can add to peace of mind. A short list of considerations is as follows:

Goals – consider the end goals of the sale. Is it tax minimization, liability transfer, a life change? Keeping an eye on … Read More

Biden Presidency Estate Plan Forecast

The current 2020 unified federal estate and gift tax lifetime exemption amount is $11.58 million.  This amount is scheduled to increase with inflation through December of 2025, at which point it reverts back to the 2017 level of $5 million.

The Biden team is just beginning to look into ways to capture some of the stratospheric increases in wealth during the last few years.  As of today they include the elimination of step-up in basis for inherited assets and being even more aggressive than the sun set provisions, lowering the exemption amounts to 2009 of $3.5 million for estates and … Read More

State of the Economy

California is facing some interesting hurdles right now, even outside of the recent wave

of COVID-19 and threat of forest fires. Rising commercial office space vacancies, small businesses closing down, and record unemployment and poverty numbers are, however, facing every state in the Union.

The uniqueness of California comes from its position to recover from the economic fallout. As one of the largest economies in the world, California has the tools, population and culture to rebound quickly and thoroughly.

Property values have remained high, even continuing to increase in suburbs and areas outside of the city centers. California’s state government … Read More

Buy-Sell Agreements

New Year – Legal Checkup

Buy-Sell Agreements

As we enter the new year, it’s a good time to do what HVP Law calls a legal checkup. This is a yearly review of your needs for your life, businesses and estate.

For the estate planning side of things, we like to review the status of things through the year to ensure your wishes are properly recorded in your documents. Have there been any changes in your holdings? Did you move? Are there new family members? Are there any new desires for decision makers? Are your beneficiaries current?

For the business side of things, it is prudent to do … Read More

Three Cheers for PPP

The December relief package created a second draw for businesses that have exhausted their PPP.  This PPP list includes an Expanded List of Expenses Qualifying for Forgiveness.  The list of expenses that PPP funds can be used for that qualify for loan forgiveness has been expanded to include: 

  • “operations expenses” defined as payments for business software and cloud computing services and other human resources and accounting needs that facilitate business operations; 
  • “supplier costs” defined as payments to a supplier for goods that are essential to the operations of the borrower pursuant to a contract or purchase order in effect before
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Prop 19_family home

Hot Estate Planning Issue: CA Prop 19

Prop 19_family home

HVP Law Offices

Were you planning to leave your primary residence or other property to your children or grandchildren in your living trust or will? Proposition 19, which recently passed by 51% on the November ballot, is changing the reassessment exclusion between parents and children as we know it.

You need to make some important decisions quickly.. If you act now, you can transfer property to your children without triggering a reassessment. You can transfer a primary residence of any market value as long as the assessed value is … Read More

The Stock Market don’t give a S**t about your Politics – or Does it??

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